Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Survivor South Pacific: New Season, New Power Rankings

Gordon Holmes is facing one of my favorite Survivors, last season's Andrea Boehlke, to compete in the Survivor Power Rankings week to week. I like to pretend I'm invited to play along (well, Gordon did actually invite me to play along unofficially, but no promises of a shout-out if I best him this time... hmmm). 

Let me just say that Gordon looks rather fetching in mud and they should make him official and put him in the next Survivor cast. I'm suggesting the nickname Mudskipper. Gordon "Mudskipper" Holmes. On with the rankings! (all pictures lifted from Gordon at Xfinity).

Cute girls skate along for a long time in the game, as long as they can compete (and sometimes even then...)


Strength is needed... for now. And Albert and Keith have also been smartly staying in the background. 


Ozzy and Coach aren't in any danger yet, if their tribes are smart, but maybe soon. 


Rick's quiet strength could keep him around a while... or wait, those camera confessionals might be telling. He has been talking some smack, hasn't he?


My least favorite player so far this season, means Jim could be around awhile.

Not liking Brandon much either. Bodes well for him, I guess. 


Lovably neurotic, but had better start playing smarter.

Gordon and Andrea have Sophie well in the safety zone for now, but I just can't see it. Weakness isn't valued early, and she doesn't strike me as strong, or really game-savvy. Ditto on Dawn and Mark. Papa Bear? Ew, now there's a ticket home, coming soon.




Physical weakness and expressing strong opinions puts Christine and Stacey at the bottom of my picks. Christine had a bit more air time in week one. Doesn't bode well for Christine. 
Stay tuned! We'll see how well I've done after tonight's show. I won't beat Gordon, since his Christine pick is the same, but I could make a good start. Wish me luck!


Dee Davis said...

Well so far underwhelmed with the new edition although I like Ozzie. Several really whiney folks already which of course means they'll stay because for some reason the PTB over at Survivor think we like that. Wish they'd send Brandon packing... Coach was sort of sneaky this week, but it still resulted in predictable voting.

Sherri Browning Erwin said...

I'm not sure how I feel about Oz this time. I do like Coach. He's fun to watch, probably not a winner this time. I know I dislike Jim and Brandon. It's harder to find people I like when this starts. I guess they have to win me over. I was pulling for Mikayla as of the last episode, though.


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