Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Survivor Power Rankings- 5/11

The agony of defeat, yet another week of losing to Gordon Holmes. My record is getting shaky now, almost as many wins as losses. Check out the Survivor Power Rankings of Gordon Holmes on Twitter for XFinity, and his top rival Sash (Matt Lenehan), then compare mine, and feel free to make your own. Sliding into the last week, who will outwit, outlast, outplay? This week, like last week, the better question is who will start to play against Boston Rob?


#1 I've been back and forth between Ashley and Natalie at the top. This time, I give it to Ashley. She might be seen as more of a competitor and less of Rob's dishrag.

#2. Natalie has played it safe. Too safe to win jury votes? But safe enough to stick around.

#3 Grant. Strong, and I'm hoping, smart. Smart enough to take Rob out before Rob starts gunning for him?

#4 Phillip's special brand of crazy, act or no act, could earn him a spot at the final tribal council. Or get him sent home next.

#5 Rob has played the game. Perhaps he has played it so well that he doesn't realize he's going to need to use that Immunity Idol? Maybe not so masterful after all, Mariano. (Or my desperate attempt to beat Gordon and Sash with a whacked-out theory of Rob's departure goes awry and Rob wins it all...we'll see.)

I'm hoping RI goes down to two players, or one, and showmancers Matt and Andrea are the final two, going against each other to get back in the game. My money's on Andrea. Sorry Matt. I think you're finally outplayed.

There we have it. What do you think? Share your power rankings in the comments, if you dare.

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