Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Survivor Power Rankings- 5/4

Oof! Another bad week for me. Defeat! Six weeks of Power Rankings (which I just misspelled as Wankings, then corrected- that's a whole other game, LOL) and four wins over Gordon, one over his cohort Matt. Check out the Survivor Power Rankings of Gordon Holmes on Twitter for XFinity, and his top rival Sash (Matt Lenehan), then compare mine, and feel free to make your own. Sliding into the last few weeks, who will outwit, outlast, outplay? This week, the better question is who will start to play against Boston Rob?


#1. As much as I hate to put Natalie at the top of the pack, the safest move now seems like making no move, and not standing out. Natalie doesn't stand out. She stands behind. Which, in some weird twist of fate, makes her stand above the others. Unfortunately, I prefer players who play to the end instead of taking a ride there.

#2 Ashley is like Natalie, only more disappointing because I thought she would have a brain. She's more outwardly bitchy than Natalie, so more likely a target.

#3 Rob is still the man around camp. But are his days numbered? I keep hoping, and then I'm on the fence because he is the one player who has consistently played the game.

#4 Phillip, the ever-annoying. Taking Phillip out would be a great precursor to blindsiding Rob.

#5 Grant. Strength is dangerous when Rob wants to keep control badly enough to try to convince you to take your chances on Redemption Island. Grant, don't be a hero. Stay and send Rob packing instead.

#6 Things are looking pretty grim for Andrea after she sold out her showmance lover Matt. Expressing remorse for dirty deeds gets you a ticket to Redemption Island when you're dealing with Mean Girls Ashley and Natalie. But will it be a one way ticket? Time will tell.

I think Matt is due for retirement, but might stick it out another week. Steve and Mike could be strong RI players. Ralph? I don't think he stands a chance.

There we have it. What do you think? Share your power rankings in the comments, if you dare.

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