Monday, October 3, 2011

Survivor South Pacific: Power Rankings Week Four

Last week, I went wild with a new theory... and I got burned. Now I am way behind (at 27 points compared to Andrea and Gordon's 32 and 33) and starting over, going back to my traditional method (totally guessing what happens instead of trying to figure it out by who gets airtime).

1. A surprising number one, considering he was termed a "temporary player" by Christine (now playing at Redemption Island) but Coach has a handle on his team, lead them to an Immunity challenge victory, and seems to be driving decisions. Go Coach!
2. Keith is in Ozzy's good graces, but proved he's thinking on his own when we ran to Whitney with vital information. He's a player, and he's ready to do what it takes to win. But is he trusting the wrong people?
3. Strong, solid, silent when it counts, and in the right alliance. Will he go all the way or become disposable at merge? For now, he's sitting pretty.
4. Keith's go-to girl, and she's using her wiles. Or is she just flirting? I don't give her much credit for having a strategy yet but she knows enough to not make waves and make friends with the right people.

5. I'm finally getting to know Sophie better, and I'm finally believing that she is a solid player. Plus, I love her camera confessionals. She might be my new favorite.

6. I'm starting to think that he might be the loudmouth, underhanded bully that someone might see as perfect to bring to the final. Oh no! But he'll credit his savvy gameplay and believe himself a Survivor Mastermind, naturally.

7. I've been hesitant to discount Rick since he chopped through those ropes in one fell swoop during one of the first big challenges. I was afraid he was on the outside of his alliance, but now I think he's just wisely not running his mouth all the time.
8. I don't think much of Elyse, but that's probably a good sign for her so far. I think she's allied herself with the right people and runs no risk of getting the boot any time soon.

9. If Coach is now a power player, then Edna, who has his ear outside of his core alliance, is not leaving yet. She's useful.
10. As much as it pains me, I have to admit that Brandon is not looking like he's on the way out. He's in a vital alliance. His wavering doesn't seem to be scaring anyone as much as it should. He might start looking like a good fall guy to bring all the way. Would anyone vote to give this creep a million dollars?

11. Brandon's kryptonite. If he had his way, she would be gone. But clearly, though they're keeping him around, no one's in the mood to indulge Brandon and lose a strong player. But can her spirit handle his deflating comments?

12. He might not be challenge-strong, but is he a master of the game? About to make a move? It could happen.

13. If Cochran makes the right moves, as shown in previews, Ozzy could be in trouble. Is Ozzy really in danger, this early, and with an idol under his belt? It could be an awesome blindside.
14. Can Dawn hang on after the other old guy on her team, Mark, got the boot last week? She's rallied after Week One and I don't think anyone wants to vote her out... but desperate times call for losing weak players.

15. Christine's best buddy hasn't won any favor at camp. If someone's got to go, she's the best candidate to go next.

Redemption Island Bonus Guess: I think Christine might just beat Mark to hang out at RI a little longer.

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