Sunday, May 15, 2011

Survivor Finale!

It is down to the final four-- but wait! There's four more at Redemption Island! How will it all shake out? My prediction:


First, for a change, let's tackle the Redemption crew. When does the RI player come on board? It seems they are going for the third of the final three. I'm not happy with this season's RI twist. I think it was a good idea. I understand they need to keep shaking up the formula, trying new things. But it should have ended at the merge. The RI players don't have to play the same social game. As a result, I would be disappointed if Matt came back to win it all, because he really hasn't had a chance to play his game out. Sure, he can win challenges, but the whole strategy part falls off, and that's my favorite part of Survivor.

I'm hoping Mike and Grant go down first. Mike was part of Zapatera, and none of them deserve to win, to me, after they did themselves in with throwing that challenge. Though, good riddance to Russell Hantz. After he was allegedly responsible for releasing spoilers on past seasons, I don't think he deserves to be brought back again. I'm shocked that the producers allowed him back. Grant, great player, but he stayed loyal to Rob to the end, and I seriously fault him for that. So, my RI pick to win is...

Andrea had to play a social game, and she made a conscious decision to make some moves. Unfortunately, they were stupid moves that kept her from a possible win. She should have worked against Rob, not with him. But I would still love to see her win if only to show up the Mean Girls who pretended to be her friend while talking smack behind her back. Mean Girls suck. Go Andrea.

But let's face it. Andrea has won a few challenges, but can she beat Mike, Grant, or Matt? Any one of them could come back in it to win it. And then, it remains to be seen if Rob and Phillip are battling it out in place of any of the current RI four. In that case, Rob remains a contender. My second place pick to move on is Matt.

So how does it shake out to the finals?

I think Ashley is finally making moves, and those moves will be to pair with Natalie in getting rid of Rob and Phillip, probably in that order. Unfortunately, I think we will see Natalie and Ashley in the final. And since Natalie hasn't ticked anyone off, as Ashley has, she is a strong possibility to win it all.

#1 Natalie

#2 The winner of RI. I'm going to say that's Andrea, but it could be Matt. Or Mike. Maybe Grant. I'm ruling out the others.


Crazy might make it pretty far in the game, but can it ever really win? No, Phillip. No, it can't.

Rob is the most deserving of a win, having controlled his tribe for nearly the entire game, not to mention winning many challenges, and making some pretty shrewd decisions. His experience shows. But that's also why I have been rooting against him. I don't like it when Survivor brings back old favorites.

What I want to see is an old school Survivor season. No big gimmicks or twists, back to basics. Sixteen strangers (not straight from central casting) stranded with very little, and lots of time to scheme. Those were the days.

And there we have it! How did you feel about this season? Who do you pick to win?


Anonymous said...

It is eerie how spot on you were! To call it exactly how it panned out... are you sure you didn't have spoilers? I don't know how you could have ever figured out that Rob would lose such total control over his team of love-struck zombies that he would be voted out and unable to play his immunity idol because he broke his fingers in the challenge. Truly inspiring analysis!

Sherri Browning Erwin said...

Totally, Anonymous. It's like I have psychic powers or something. LOL.

Seriously, I do not know why I kept thinking this group would ever, finally, maybe, at last, make a move against Rob. I guess my optimism runs deep. I really wanted a less predictable, more awesome season. But hey, the right man did win, considering his total dominance, and I am actually really happy for Rob and family. Looking forward to next season (even though it's another RI with two returning vets).

Dee Davis said...

Totally loved the finale. I thought the girls would oust Rob too. Although I was rooting for him not to be booted out. But I thought he made a huge mistake with Grant. Fortunately for him it didn't play that way. Was happy for him. Know what you mean about the gimmicks and they're doing it again next season with the returning vets. Still thought RI worked better than I had expected. So I'll be there...


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